My Fall Three-Point Plan

At the end of the summer, after working from home, with the kids, during a major kitchen renovation, managing work responsibilities, contractors, subcontractors, the dogs, making dinner, etc. I realized I was spending too much time at home. I had no social life, outside of what Dave set up. And nothing on the schedule that was for me, just me. Hermit life. 

So I came up with a three point plan to get myself out of the house and meeting new people. 

Point 1: Sign up for a class. My first thought was pottery, since there's a center in a beautiful, historic building so close to the house and the girls took a class there last summer. And I've always been interested in learning about throwing pottery, etc. And LO and BEHOLD there was ONE spot left in the Tuesday night class. A sign from the universe, for sure. So I signed up! (And it's been GREAT!!)

I also want to sign up for a Spanish brush-up class, but the one I found was on the same night as pottery (bummer) so I'll wait on that. 

Point 2: Set up Girls Night. We have forever friends in the neighboring town that we are so lucky to be near but don't see frequently. Being near them was one reason we choose where we now live. So why don't I hang out with the ladies more often? I took the initiative and suggested a monthly dinner. And they loved it. We went out on our second dinner last week.

Point 3: Community Service. I read all these books and listen to podcasts about how important serving your community is to your overall mental health. I'm not in to church or volunteering at schools, but I do love the library, so I looked into attending the monthly Library Board meeting. I showed up at the October meeting and I was the ONLY public citizen to attend, which surprised me. The group was super nice, welcoming and explained things to me as they went. It's an exciting time for the library, as they're planning goals for the next few years with a new director, so the whole meeting was interesting. 

They were all glad I was there. And mentioned there might be a seat open on the board. Would I be interested? Heck yes! And just one seat open? Another sign for the universe that this plan was the right thing to do. 

Overall: I'm feeling like this plan was a success! I've been enable me to meet new people, expand out my social circle, and get involved in events or groups that are outside of my house. And I'm feeling more connected and getting extrovert practice. 

And I'm setting a good example for my family that there's more out to do than just school, movies and shopping. That I'm getting out there and trying new things and not letting fear hold me back. I plan to see where I am in January and maybe add a fourth point or go in another direction.


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