Reading Armchair Search

I'm on the hunt for a cozy reading chair for our bedroom. While I have plenty of cozy reading spots around the house, I'd really like one up in our bedroom where I can hide away with a book in late afternoons. 

While I was sick, I really missed having that second place to curl up, too. So, I'm hunting around for the best option. 

My criteria is comfy, a little higher on the back so I can rest my head, large enough I can curl up my legs, and maybe blue to match the blue room. My budget is around $500.

Here are my current favorite contenders ... 

This is the Albany Park Swivel Chair in a blue or green velvet. It's $900, so out of my price limit but I'm waiting on some good sales. The sofa in our basement is from this company and I really like their mission and quality. I like finding pictures of people in the chairs. 

This one is a more modern version in a heather blue color ... 

It's the Mod Chair from Article, a store a few of my Insta-people really like. I like how high the back and the wings are, perfect for resting my head. It's a little low on the coziness meter but with some throw pillows and blankets, it could be perfect. It's also exactly in my budget $500. I can see it perfectly in that corner of our bedroom. 

Last, I found a photo of a customer sitting it in their apartment and it's exactly what I'm looking for in my little reading nook. I may have an ottoman around the house I can use with it. 

Last, let's just take a peek at the chair I would buy if I didn't have a budget. I'm absolutely in love with this one, but it's so far out of budget, it's not even worth linking to. 

I'm still doing some searching to see if I can find any other deals elsewhere. But I'm excited about this big upgrade for our bedroom. Hooray! 



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