Family Calendar Improvement

 Made a quick improvement at the start of the school year that I'm pretty excited about. 

And yes, I'm probably the only one excited about it, but here goes ... 

Here's our "command central" in our kitchen. This is a good landing spot, and a central place to all look at the family calendar ... it's that huge wipe board in the middle of the photo. All our activities are supposed to be written on here and our electronic family calendar on Google. 

(Brief aside: my family is the WORST at writing their plans down in either calendar and Dave still doesn't share his events on our Google Shared Family Calendar consistently, which makes me nuts. And they all ask me "what are we doing today?" instead of looking at the calendar, usually directly behind me. But, that's another post.)

I went to so much trouble putting this little area together and that huge calendar with wobbly writing was really killing the sophisticated look of that space. PLUS, we don't actually have a ton of activities anymore. The kids don't play sports or do extra-curriculars, so, as you can see, most days are empty. It was a good solution years ago, but we've grown out of the over-sized calendar. 

So I took to Etsy and found this solution ... 

This modern little calendar held together with a binder clip was just the solution. There's space to write stuff, but it's not intrusive or messy on the wall. Plus, we now have the ability to look ahead to upcoming months. It's really nice.

Is my family any better at writing their activities down? Not really. And they still ask me "what are we doing this weekend?" instead of glancing over to this wall. But, I feel more calm about the space, so that's all that matters. 

And I got that graphic poster Bagels Bagels Bagels up, so it's a win. 


  1. I understand your enthusiasm! Although, I would not have noticed how cluttered the old calendar made that wall feel. It is calmer now, I agree. Love it!


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