New Job, New Home

I started my new job last week. High 5!

To be honest, I was hoping to get the Summer home with the kiddos (despite the troubles I was having), but this opportunity came my way and it was too good to pass up, even with the 50-minute commute.

And I was happy to put the kids back into full-day school -- it's what feels natural to them, I think. And after a few hours of sitting at my new desk, I knew I made the right decision. This just all feels right. Sure, I have new stress and worries, but it's what we're all used to.

I can tell that Leah and Alice love their extra time at school. They have lots to tell me at the end of the day and they're forging some new friendships. And I feel more comfortable with my time at home. I was starting to feel like a headless chicken, racing around the house all day putting out fires, starting little projects and chasing kids around.

This doesn't mean that home projects are suspended. I have several more rooms to paint (first up, the bathroom -- though I do NOT like painting rooms with toilets. Ugh.) and my plan for the family room is really coming together. I'm also gathering thoughts for the living room/dining room. But it will slow the progress, as I'll only get weekends to do the housework.


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