Meet My First Grader

At Her Desk
This week marked the end of summer and the first days of 1st Grade for Leah!

First, I can't believe summer is already over. And I can't believe Leah is already in 1st grade! I remember first grade. Mrs. Evanson at Widsten Elementary. I sat near a boy named Joey. Carol was in a classroom down the hall.

Ready for the New Year!
On Tuesday, I took the day off to take advantage of the elementary school "sneak peek." We got to drop of all of Leah's supplies, ready her desk and meet her teacher Mrs. Enquist. We were amazed by the numerous bins of books along the wall.

Leah was pretty brave about the whole thing, even though it was overwhelming. The school is large and a maze of hallways. Her major worry was how she was going to get from the school bus to her classroom without getting lost along the way. 

Since I had the day off, we also went shopping for a new outfit to wear on the first day and shoes. Plus, Leah had a dentist appointment. Big fun. Then, it was off to Tuesday nigh soccer practice! What a day!

First Day of School!
On Wednesday, Alice and I walked her to the bus. We weren't alone. Our neighbors across the street have 3rd graders in the same building, so we walked with them and their new dog Lola. We were met by Sam, a boy Leah took the Kindergarten bus with. We haven't seen him all summer, so it was fun to catch up. And Daria met up with us at the stop, she's Leah's BFF and bus seat buddy. Her classroom is just across the hall, so they made a pact to walk each other to class.

So, of course, Leah was all courage and bravery stepping into the bus and leaving Alice and I behind. Just waving to us from her seat on the bus. Nothing stops her!


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