I'm An Idiot

So maybe not an idiot ... because the first day of school is always, universally, the day after Labor Day. Minnetonka started after Labor Day, Dave's school was after Labor Day and in New Jersey where Leah started Kindergarten, too. Like Election Day is always the first Tuesday in November. So, maybe I just assumed the same was true here in Illinois.

I was wrong.

The first day for First Graders is Aug. 22. Does that strike anyone else as just a random date? School in August? It's sacrilege! It's crazy! Are we going to voting in Oct., too?

Anyway, idiot that I am, I didn't check and now Leah will miss four days after only being in school for four days to hang out at the camp.

But I have to think other people make Labor Day travel plans, right?!



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