And Then There Was Shoes...

I knew I'd have no trouble finding the shoes -- and I didn't. Thirty minutes at Lord & Taylor with Leah, and we walked away with these patent leather cuties. 
After seeing the dress on, my Mom was insistent that I wear heals. But my concern about being able to walk a lot (Versailles is huge, you guys!) was not to be ignored. And I understand, heals make my short legs look looooonger. So I compromised on a wedge heal, patent leather adding some flash. And by returning the jeweled flats and the weekend's sale, I came out ahead. Go me!

Why did I choose black when the dress is vibrant prink? Because A) they didn't have fuchsia and B) they'll match the other dress I'm bringing for the other dinner party later in the week. (I can't remember the venues -- I'm sure it's beautiful, though a lot less royal.) 

So with less than two weeks to go, I've made all the purchases needed and I'm ready to start packing. Ah Paris.  


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