Time to Think Garden!

Last weekend, I took some time to plan my veggie and herb garden in my raised beds. It was really exciting because I decided to branch out into veggies I've never grown – cucumber, broccoli and onions!  I got a catalog from http://www.kitchengardenseeds.com/ which was beautiful and offered fun descriptions about the seeds and their tasty yields. I spent about $50 on a ton of seeds – a pretty good investment given our weekly grocery bill.

Here are my 2013 garden goals:
  • I'm going to try to grow most of my veggies from seeds (instead of buying in pots) – I’ll see the most bang for my buck (I can get hundreds of seeds for $3!) and I can find more heirloom varieties, which taste better.
  •  Harvest and use more of the herbs I grow -- I love herbs, but it's the last thing I think about when cooking. I found a tea garden book with instructions on drying and mixings for tea. Calling the chamomile! Hello Peppermint (in its own pot, of course)! In a fiction book I read, the author talks about picking leaves to dry for her mother's tea. Fun!
  •  Invest in an automatic watering system and drip hoses -- It's not that expensive (maybe $80 all in – depending how fancy I want to get) and it will keep my crops going while I'm out of town or too busy to walk out and water.
  • More weeding – I'm pledging here and now to be a better weeder. Hold me to it.
Now, all I need is some spring-like weather and an afternoon to get the soil ready and I’ll be off and running. 
Last Year's Roses - To Get Me in Mood


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