Bingo! Dress Found!

Hello Gorgeous!
The Versailles dress has been occupying too much space in my thoughts. It just HAS to be perfect! So, after trying on about 20 dresses, I'm happy to report I found a winner!

Silly me, I forgot there was a Last Call Neiman Marcus near my house -- normally, it's really picked through, but you just never know what you'll find.

And lo and behold there it was ... in all its fuchsia glory!

Purple Flats - Pass
Okay, not to get all Vogue-Magazine about it, and I hadn't noticed until I tried it on, but the dress is a Badgley Mischka Collection. (WHAT?!) Yeah, you might be familiar with the label if you're a CELEBRITY! And because I glory in a good sale (I am my mother's daughter) I'll tell you the dress was originally $500, and I got it for just under $100. Welcome to Crazytown.

I was so excited that it's strapless, too. I have always just-a-little regretted not wearing strapless at my wedding. (I have a fear of flashing my tatas.) But this one is so well-made -- there's foundation in that bodice -- it stays put. And I wiggled and jiggled in the dressing room to test it.

So of course, there's the question of footwear.  I found a beautiful pair of purple flats at Last Call. Another insane deal, but I passed. They weren't perfect. Could I wear the black, jeweled flats I bought for the other dress? After trying on the full outfit at home, the answer was a big NO. So, the search is on! Though, I feel way more calm about this one. And hosiery? Not sure what the call is there. Do they make fuchsia tights?

For now, I'm just going to revel in the joy of having the perfect dress -- and all the extra brain space I've cleared for the 600 other things I have to figure out.


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