
Showing posts from May, 2014

A Phenomenal Woman

I was sad to hear about Maya Angelou's passing ... and though I find it annoying when people take to Twitter and social media sites to say RIP to a celebrity they didn't even really know ... I'm making an exception. Ms. Angelou's books were way too dark and troubling for me to read (I'm sure there's a light chick-lit unpublished and hidden on her laptop somewhere), but her poetry opened up the world to me. Particularly "Phenomenal Woman." That one changed everything. I found this incredible poem as a teenager (senior year, maybe) and WOW it hit me like a 2-ton anvil. Floored. Smashed. Flattened. I'd always felt pretty cool about being a girl, I didn't have horrible confidence issues or anything, but this poem took me to a higher level. It empowered me. Strengthened me. Made me feel PROUD of all the beautiful things a women could be. Should be! And at 17 or 18 years old, is there anything more important to understand? To learn? There...

Memorial Day Weekend - 3rd Year of Nic and Bobbi's Visit

We had a fantastic Memorial Day weekend with my Mom, brother Nic and his girlfriend Bobbi. This was the third-annual visit from this gang, so we planned a few activities ahead. Along with trips to the outlets and downtown Kenosha, we also got a lot of house projects done. They helped us finish the board and batten project in the entryway. And Sunday night we had a French-Tuscan themed evening dinner outside by candlelight. Such fun! Dinner al Fresco! Garden Projects: Planting Three Hydrangea, Plotting the Veg Garden and Laying Out the Weed Guard

Entryway: Boards Are Painted

Bobbi helped put a coat of white trim paint on before she left for home. (Thank you!) Then I applied the second coat later this afternoon. I also couldn't help to start the trim around the door. What do you think? It's a White Wash! Related posts: The entryway board and batten project start Getting the boards up The board and batten is done! All the Entryway posts

Entryway Boards Are Up!

So, carpentry is complete on the entryway project, thanks to Bobbi,  Nic and head carpenter Dave. The math was tricky -- as we sorted out how much space to put between each board -- but we came out with the best measurements possible. And it turned out pretty well. In my opinion, the cap along the top really "finishes" the look. We're waiting for caulk to dry so we can see what the white paint will look like.  Boards and Battens!  Related posts: All the entryway posts

Considering the Fall -- Ups and Downs

This fall our family is hitting a major milestone. For the first time since Leah arrived in our lives, we will not be paying full-day daycare tuition. Cue the trumpets! With Alice starting Kindergarten and Leah in third grade, my property taxes will now be funding their education -- instead of handing over a percentage of my paycheck. Lovelies!  So, I'm starting to consider after-school options with the knowledge that: a) Leah's homework load is expected to double. b) Alice is going to be in morning Kindergarten, and should be in the afternoon KEEP program at the day care she's in now -- to give her a little stability. (That's an out-of-pocket expense, but a much smaller one.) And, c) Leah cannot continue in her current after-school program, as they are not supporting her academically. ("There was no time to do homework, Mom.") This is where I get on my see-saw and start wavering. With them at school all day -- and lower school bills -- it's t...

Bento Lunch Box Update

Just an update regarding my new lunch-box style: Leah's lunch friends were super impressed with her lunch. They all wanted to touch the little silicone cupcake liners. Wednesday's Lunch Featuring: Homemade Granola Bar and Hard-Boiled Egg Does it make me feel like Super Mom that Leah will have the reputation of having the coolest lunch at the table? Oh yes! :)

Food Make or Buy List

I've started thinking about what foods I can make at home instead of buying processed. I've already ventured into homemade yogurt, which I enjoy and love eating, I'm wondering what else I can make weekly to become less reliant on food companies to make (and muck-up) the foods my family eats. And it's definitely a growing trend! For me, it started with Michael Pollen's books about the food industry. And I'm so inspired by the  Homemade Pantry cookbook, which I continue to love and use all the time. Not to mention sites like  100 Days of Real Food  that makes dumping processed foods look easy. Here's a breakdown of my Make or Buy foods: Yogurt - both: I love my homemade jars of yogurt, and each week I experiment with time and steps. Some batches are stiffer than others, but in another few months, I should have this buttoned up. Now, getting the kids on board will take some doing. They're hooked on the sweet flavors of our Sunnybrook and Trader J...

Bento-Style School Lunches - New to Me!

What's the latest crazy mom trend out there? Bento-style lunch boxes! Or, at least it's new to me. I spent Sunday evening looking at Pinterest posts loaded with ideas on these artfully-crafted school lunches from all over the place -- the best using lunch themes, like spring, gardens, or Star Wars. (See my Pinterest Lunch Board here .) After all that review, I've come to the conclusion that some Moms have way too much time on their hands -- especially the ones who cut cucumbers into little flower shapes, sandwiches to look like hearts or bears and artfully chopping cheese sticks. (And that's just the tip of the iceberg, there are books being published and Instagram clogged with little masterpieces.) That's not appealing to me. However, the idea of nutritious (mostly-whole foods) lunches, divided into little groupings that are visually attractive does appeal to me. Very much. And the reusable containers cuts down on awful ziplock baggies and tinfoil. And I ma...

The Spring Cleaning Chromosome

Once again, like in past years, Spring Cleaning has snuck up on me.  I don't plan to clean out cabinets and drawers -- tossing old pantry items and broken toys. But, one weekend day, I'll find myself pulling out all my baking supplies and organizing them by task, trashing the expired stuff, and neatly putting them away.  It happened today. I woke up with the sudden need to browse the Container Store and Target for ideas and organizing solutions. After I made granola bars, I was shuffling around the bowls, moving the tea to the other cabinet and staring at the pantry -- trying to think of ways to reorganize for optimal use. I need to sort toys and winter/summer clothing next.  It must be somewhere deep in my DNA, to clear out and organize cabinets at this time of year. The Spring Break Chromosome. Is it just me?  The Cabinet is Just Screaming for Some Help Bowls and Travel Mugs - Now Easier to Find

Reflections on "Cooked" by Michael Pollan

Mind blown! This is what happens when I read Michael Pollan's books. I'm agog at the complexity and absurdity of food politics. And how far gone we've gone from what we SHOULD be eating. Guys, it's just logic that because our diet has changed drastically in the last 100 years that diseases like diabetes, cancer, stroke, heart attacks, obesity have jumped in that time. How could it not? Our bodies were not made to handle the food products we're stuffing into it. This last week I've been listening to his latest, "Cooked," in the car and I'm again totally blown away. Here are my new food obsessions and a few cool tidbits I found fascinating from the book. Hello live culture foods!! With the onslaught of antibiotics -- in medicine and being sprayed on our foods and injected into our livestock, we're killing all the good bacteria that live in our guts. And it's those little bugs in our tummy that keep us healthy. Especially our kiddos....

Disney Funtastic Weekend!

We had an amazing weekend at Disney World in Orlando. The girls are just at the PERFECT age to really enjoy the parks ... and the princess! They were in total awe meeting Cinderella and Rapunzel -- totally adorable. We loved the roller coasters, the Mickey ice cream pops, the parades, fireworks, the hotel pool, shopping (obvi) and meeting the characters -- we filled autograph books and they're our favorite souvenirs.   Here are a few favorite pics I took with my phone. Dave brought the big camera, too, so a photo book is in the making.  Taking on the Magic Kingdom! We Just Loved That Castle! Mickey Pops -- A Favorite Treat to Keep Cool

Disney Deep Thoughts

Disney -- the only place where you can love your kids so deeply, then want to throw them in Cinderella's moat in the span of 11 minutes. Meeting Jesse! She Was Fantastic And I can't quiet understand adults who wait in line to meet the characters. Really? Does that seem weird to anyone else? Lastly, I give it up to the parents who have two or three kids under 4-years-old and choose to come to Disney. Their huge strollers and multiple meltdowns. Whoa! And to the reeeally pregnant women walking around in the heat with small kids ... medals of honor should be given. Every time I wanted to complain, I would look around at these crazy mothers and think I have it EASY in comparison. Related posts: All the Traveling With Kids stories

Is That Spring?

Maybe this winter was really that bad. Or maybe I'm just going with the mass complaining that half the country is participating in. (We survived the Polar Vortex!) But these days I feel like it's been ages since I've been outside without layers and layers of clothing. Do people still do that? While packing for Florida, I just couldn't comprehend an outfit that didn't include a long-sleeve layer. I packed hoodies for the girls, for Pete's sake!  Of course the hoodies went completely unused -- and I was quickly reacquainted to the experience of sweating while being outside. But I can assure you I did not take it for granted. It was almost glorious to walk around in the sun and warmth -- until it became too hot. Especially after returning to 50 degree highs back here in Illinois. Are you sure it's May?

Work Continues in the Entryway

This weekend we got started on the entryway. Finally. We were having some people over and wanted to clean it up and start construction before the party. So Dave hit the Home Depot Saturday morning with my schematic and in 45 minutes, we had wood and nails. Before : Picking Up the Entry Rug and Cleaning Out the Furniture While he was away, I marked all the studs and picked up the current carpet tiles, which were supposed to be temporary when we put them down three years ago. The rails went up very easily and quickly, but with very loud hammering; we had to stop at bedtime. The vertical rails will be next (likely over Memorial Day weekend) and then painting them all a glossy white. After : Navy Carpet Tiles and the Start of the Boards on the Left The rug in the entryway is dark navy flor tiles, which will match the outside of the entry door (when it gets warm enough to paint outside). And this rug is longer than the last one, going past the piano. The rich color really...

10 Years Ago Today ...

was a pretty good day. I married my best friend in front of all my family and friends. We ate, we danced, we gazed out at the grey Atlantic ocean just outside the windows of the lovely, historic Narragansett Towers. Yeah, it was a pretty good day. My beautiful Mom and handsome brother walked me down the aisle at around 11am -- and I still can't believe I made it without sobbing. An adorable and friendly Rabbi married us under the huppah decorated with fresh daisies by some friends earlier that morning.  It wasn't sunny, just overcast enough to make the day a little silvery, which was fine with me. It made the pictures, taken by a photog friend of ours, a little more shadowy and dramatic. We had a little cocktail hour with a mountain of delicious cheeses, grapes and crackers (I was big on having a mountain of crudités). Lunch was buffet-style fish and fresh veggies. (No, I didn't get the omelet bar that I wanted.) A bottle of Spanish Rioja was on every table. We danced...