10 Years Ago Today ...

was a pretty good day. I married my best friend in front of all my family and friends. We ate, we danced, we gazed out at the grey Atlantic ocean just outside the windows of the lovely, historic Narragansett Towers. Yeah, it was a pretty good day.

My beautiful Mom and handsome brother walked me down the aisle at around 11am -- and I still can't believe I made it without sobbing. An adorable and friendly Rabbi married us under the huppah decorated with fresh daisies by some friends earlier that morning.  It wasn't sunny, just overcast enough to make the day a little silvery, which was fine with me. It made the pictures, taken by a photog friend of ours, a little more shadowy and dramatic.

We had a little cocktail hour with a mountain of delicious cheeses, grapes and crackers (I was big on having a mountain of crudités). Lunch was buffet-style fish and fresh veggies. (No, I didn't get the omelet bar that I wanted.) A bottle of Spanish Rioja was on every table.

We danced the horah and got held up high on chairs. We danced to Prince's "Kiss" and OutKast's "Hey Ya" and Grams danced the polka. And then we danced to "Glory Days" and got surrounded by all our friends like a big dance floor hug, singing and strutting.

By about 3, it was all over.

But really, it had just begun. Right? Because in the last ten years we traveled everywhere, moved a bunch, had two amazing daughters, laughed, did dishes, folded laundry, argued over what to watch on TV, cried, cleaned up baby vomit, changed diapers, went on vacations, went to movies, held hands, built Ikea furniture, laughed some more, made paella, and even got a dog! And just about everything else in between.

Can't wait for the next ten years!


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