Food Make or Buy List

I've started thinking about what foods I can make at home instead of buying processed. I've already ventured into homemade yogurt, which I enjoy and love eating, I'm wondering what else I can make weekly to become less reliant on food companies to make (and muck-up) the foods my family eats.

And it's definitely a growing trend! For me, it started with Michael Pollen's books about the food industry. And I'm so inspired by the Homemade Pantry cookbook, which I continue to love and use all the time. Not to mention sites like 100 Days of Real Food that makes dumping processed foods look easy.

Here's a breakdown of my Make or Buy foods:

Yogurt - both: I love my homemade jars of yogurt, and each week I experiment with time and steps. Some batches are stiffer than others, but in another few months, I should have this buttoned up. Now, getting the kids on board will take some doing. They're hooked on the sweet flavors of our Sunnybrook and Trader Joe's organic brands.

Bread - buy, for now: The girls eat one loaf of bread each week so we're super-choosy about the brand we buy -- gotta be wheat, organic and few ingredients. Could I save money if I made my own? Could I find a recipe the girls would like? This might be an interesting challenge.

Granola bars - make: We rely heavily on the organic fruit bars we get from TJs or Whole Foods -- and have since the girls were super young. But, again, these are mass-produced food products that could be made in my kitchen. In fact, I've made them! With raisins and almonds and chocolate -- and the girls are really developing a taste for them. So, total success here. Just need to set aside weekend time to make them often.

Ice Cream - buy: I thought about making this from scratch but we love the Oberweiz brand so much. And they use milk not treated with the rBGT -- so no concern there. I'm sticking with store bought on this one. Too yummy.

Pizza - make: Have you SEEN the ingredients for pizza on some frozen foods packages? And they taste like cardboard. No thank you. I get dough from TJs (with three total ingredients) or make dough from scratch the night before. Then, just top it. Here's the thing: homemade pizza takes just about the SAME amount of time as preheating the oven and dropping in a frozen pizza. And it's 50-times better. You've seen pics of my creations. I'm getting good.

Other food on my list to consider buy/make ideas: frozen waffles, butter (seriously), applesauce, cheese, ketchup. Also, canning or jamming my own fruit and veg this summer.

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