The Spring Cleaning Chromosome

Once again, like in past years, Spring Cleaning has snuck up on me. 

I don't plan to clean out cabinets and drawers -- tossing old pantry items and broken toys. But, one weekend day, I'll find myself pulling out all my baking supplies and organizing them by task, trashing the expired stuff, and neatly putting them away. 

It happened today. I woke up with the sudden need to browse the Container Store and Target for ideas and organizing solutions. After I made granola bars, I was shuffling around the bowls, moving the tea to the other cabinet and staring at the pantry -- trying to think of ways to reorganize for optimal use. I need to sort toys and winter/summer clothing next. 

It must be somewhere deep in my DNA, to clear out and organize cabinets at this time of year. The Spring Break Chromosome. Is it just me? 

The Cabinet is Just Screaming for Some Help
Bowls and Travel Mugs - Now Easier to Find


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