First Time Disasters

Halloween will be here before I know it, and Leah decided last year to be a witch this year. So, we've been hatching a plan together for a costume that includes a long black skirt and some creepy accessories. More on that later.

This weekend I wanted to get the skirt started. So I started some research on patterns and watched some how-to videos to get started.

The first time I sew anything from a set of instructions, it's a total disaster. It's not like a recipe in the kitchen when you have some confidence you'll get an edible product at the end. I will either cut the fabric wrong or sew the wrong sides together. I have to rip out seams or start over again a few times. That's how it goes.

Knowing this, I decided to make a prototype. With some spare mermaid fabric, I measured Alice and started making her a play skirt.

It didn't go well. I measured the fabric, cut wrong, measured again, cut again, had to doctor two panels together, sewed once, sewed again when I noticed I didn't cut straight. And on and on.

I don't want to be a professional clothing sewer. My only interest in clothes sewing is around Halloween. I'd rather be sewing decor items -- quilt, curtains, napkins, bags, etc. -- much better. So this isn't a skill I really want to master. But I do want to make a really cool witch's skirt.

In the end, the prototype is complete and I've learned a lot about how I should cut and sew the black fabric I got. Luckily, black fabric is about $5/yard, so if I really mess up, it won't cost me much too buy more fabric.

Wish me luck!


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