Happy Homemaker Monday

Today was a busy-in-the-kitchen day. I'm being a happy homemaker!

There was instant oatmeal to make -- because that stuff in the packet is just a waste of money. Oats are cheep, folks. Eat them. 

Then, I pickled a few of the cucumbers from the garden -- for MY FIRST CANNING project. Ever! 

Messy Start!
Turned in this...
Pickles! Which, Honestly, I Don't Like .... But Dave Does!
Then, it was jammin' time. I can't eat all the fruit we get weekly from the CSA. So, for my first food-in-jar project I made apricot and rosemary jam. 

Let's just say it was a big learning experience. But overall, wasn't as hard as I thought. 

Yummy Apricots and Fresh Rosemary
Turned into this...
Pretty Jars - Ready for Toast or Roast Chicken!
Last, homemade cereal bars to pack in lunches and pre-soccer-practice snack bags. They're my go-to recipe that I'm just starting to master from Alana's cookbook. 

I had planned to make spelt pumpkin muffins but ran out is steam and time; Soccer practice tonight!

Happy Labor Day!

Related posts:
Read all the kitchen posts
More summer stories 


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