Report Card: Last Year's Resolutions

OK people, I want to post my 2015 resolutions, so I will feel like a jerk when I don't follow them --because somehow having them out on a public blog makes me feel more accountable.

BUT before I dig into that list, let's review the 2014 resolutions from this blog post ...

2014 Resolutions:
1. Lose 10lbs. Check! Thanks to watching my calories and upping my exercise with T-25. And was able to keep off the lbs by meal planning and continuing the morning shake for the rest of the year. Though, let's admit that December was a disaster.

2. Make a doll. Nope. But I did learn to quilt. So, I'm going to count it.

3. Continue house improvements. Obviously! The update list included: the entryway, the blue wall in the kitchen, the laundry room, and new windows. All posted on this blog. But still lots and lots to do.

4. Continue landscape projects. Not as much as I wanted to, but attempted some things on the front garden, added peonies and hydrangea to the back. And patched up those darn patio bricks.

5. Become a Better Gardener. Yes and no. I didn't start it early enough and didn't dry as many herbs as I had planned. Oh well. Next year ...

6. More travel. Yes! Florida, Orlando/Disney, NYC, San Fran, Seattle/Portland/Tacoma and San Diego. We didn't get to Puerto Rico for our 10th anniversary, but Disney was a good substite.

Next up ... my 2015 Resolutions ... 

Related posts:
Read more of my crazy resolutions


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