Downsizing My Purse

My girls are getting bigger, so it got me thinking that maybe my purse can get smaller.

Big Purse, Little Purse
In days of old (or as of three years ago), I carried around a variety of things to keep little girls entertained or fed, depending on where we were heading.

Items included: Snacks, most importantly, but often small crayons and notebooks/paper, windup toys/cars, tissues, hand sanitizer, little board book, cards. The stuff changed often depending on what was popular or needed.

(I am still in the habit of never leaving the house on trips with the girls without a snack or two tucked in my bag. That hasn't changed.)

Then there are my essentials: lip balm, mints, wallet and phone. And, without fail, I'll be handed my husband's car keys and, likely, his glasses.

You can see how a "Mom Purses" comes into being, right? Lots of stuff to haul around.

Well, other than a few snacks, I'm not carrying anything for the girls anymore. Occasionally, they pack their own little purse or backpack if we're going to Nana's house or out for a long day of errands and a restaurant.

To celebrate this new step in maturity, I bought a teeny purse! Orla Kiely, of course. It's just big enough for my essentials -- as long as I keep my sunglasses on my head. And maybe two granola bars, if I squeeze.

Isn't It Cute! And in Navy, Obviously
Bonus: I find that I can tuck this little purse into a tote bag (or larger purse) when I need to carry more stuff, such as the library bag or smuggling in snacks into a movie. Or, like I did Wednesday, into a tote with my iPad and book to keep me entertained while Leah is in the orthodontist. Nifty!

How big is your purse? 


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