Travel Carry-On: What I'm Packing These Days

I love to travel! And so it's important to me that our kids our comfortable travelers, too. I want them to understand how big the world is and that there is so much to see out there. For that reason, and the fact that my sisters live far away from me, we're getting on a plane a few times every year.

This means a lot of packing. And when it comes to packing, I'm all about the strategy. I'd like to someday be a Master Carryon Packer. If there was a Master degree program on family travel and packing, I would take it. And then I'd have business cards created.

The challenge lies in the kids -- as they grow, the rules change. Tucking away extra pacifiers gives way to packing crayons and markers, to packing iPads and chapter books. It's ever changing. Though, as they get older, they can be responsible for their own bags and keeping themselves entertained on the plane. The strategy of what goes in their bags and in mine just adds more variables to the equation. And I stay up late listing and strategizing as if I'm headed into battle.

We just got back from a weekend in Florida and here's that's currently in my carryon:

Carry-On Items - All Laid Out and Pretty
Starting from the left:

Cord Keeper - I like this little board of elastic bands I got from the Container Store years ago. I wind up extra ear buds, chargers, pens. Most importantly, in that small plastic bag is the headphone splitter. Because one kid almost always decides they want to watch what the other one is watching. (iPads are kept in the kids' carry-ons.)

Altoids - Nothing beats a little peppermint on landing to freshen the breath and cure any lingering nausea from a bumping flight.

Reading Material - Starting at the top is my Kindle loaded with samples of new books, an activity pad, a notebook (for jotting down lists or kids sketches), the library book I'm nearly done with. And, on the bottom, Eating Well magazine that I'll leave at my destination.

Crayons - are in that flower satchel. They're less popular these days, but you never know.

Snacks! - I don't like buying airport food so I try to stock up. My goal is to find non-salty snacks that won't have us drinking tons of water and making lots of trips to the loo. This trip I packed applesauce Crushers and animal crackers from Trader Joes. The dried mangoes are sweet like candy. And there's usually a mini dark chocolate candy bar tucked in there, in case of travel issues.

Toiletry Bag - In that little bag is lemon hand lotion, lime cuticle cream, lip balm -- I like fresh scents on the plane. Also good for fighting nausea. Hair accessories, mascara and eye liner is in there, as well. And a black Sharpie marker -- you'd be surprised how often I use it on trips.

Wallet - of course. If we're going far, I usually clean out anything non-essential.

Not shown:

Water bottles - We've started to pack empty ones to fill up at the airport water fountains (after security). They're handy to have at the destination, too.

Bubble Bums - They're inflatable travel car booster seats and we take them everywhere. We don't have to rent gross car seats and the roll up and pack semi-easily. See them here.

That was about it for this trip.


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