Paris Is A GO!

Huge News! 

We're heading back to Paris in just a few short weeks.

Holy cow!

The backstory: Dave was invited to a week-long meeting in Paris in September. Of course, I can't allow him to travel to my favorite city without me. Not that he'd even want to, we love traveling as a family. And we've been talking about taking the kids back to Paris -- as they were only 2 and 4-years-old the last time we were there. (Lucky I had to foresight to obtain new passports for them this summer.)

So, we're heading back. Voila!

Eight days in Paris then we're taking the train up to London for the weekend and heading home from there. I can't wait to show the girls the Louvre, the D'Orsay (where I once changed Alice's diapers on the front steps) and to see the Eiffel Tower! And they're going to LOVE the accents in London. And seeing the Tower, London Bridge, Big Ben ... oh, I'm spinning.

The Louvre, a Bridge, and the Seine - Ah!
Dave and I took a trip to London for our 1-year wedding anniversary and we can't wait to get a second chance to explore that city. Dave maintains it's a better city than Paris, but I will never agree with that.

I've pulled down all the travel books and brushing up on my French. We want to travel light, so my packing skills will be put to the test.

Luckily, no World's Heaviest Stroller to bring along. Hooray!

Related posts:
All my Paris stories
The travelogue from our first European family adventure


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