Road Trip to Minnesota

I grew up in a suburb of Minneapolis, so each summer we take a road trip up to that lovely area to see my brother and family. And spend time in, and around, Lake Minnetonka. It's always trippy to see all the changes from when I grew up there. "That was just a field!" "Where did the Perkins go?" I like to pretend I remember road names and how to get where I'm going, but most of the time I'm lost.

This year was fun because the girls are getting old enough to understand I was a kid once and lived in a house with my siblings -- before they were born. A concept that takes awhile to fully get. I pointed out places that hold memories for me, "girls, that's the park where I celebrated my 10th birthday!" and they responded with more oohs and ahhs then last year.

Also, the boarding place was full so Benny the beagle came along with us. He did great in the car but was unfortunately noisy in the hotel room when we were gone. We had to change a few plans to include him -- like a picnic lunch at the lake instead of in a restaurant.

Benny Napping in the Hotel

At Lake Ann. They Asked, "Where Are the Waves?"

Goofing Off in Great Uncle Bob's Pool

Horsing Around with Uncle Nic

Related: Here's the post from our 2012 Minnesota road trip


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