The Mighty Back to School Jigsaw Puzzle

This time of year makes me loony.

Getting the girls ready for back to school, rearranging schedules, the gap between camp and school -- it's a hectic time of year. All with the promise that, eventually, we'll be back in the rhythm of the school year.

Here's the overview:

There's a one-week gap between camp and school starting. As in, kids home. This is a working mom's worst nightmare, people. Work schedules are being tossed around, as us parents play a game of whose work day is more important.

The school supplies were bought this weekend. Though, Target was OUT of wide-ruled notebooks! Completely. (The Target workers made it out like it was my fault for waiting so long to shop. Two weeks early.) So, I will be conducting a scavenger hunt next weekend for appropriately-colored notebooks and folders. Goodie.

There's the after-school plans to make and sign up for. The coordination of activities, busing, homework, and caregivers. Throw in soccer, piano, drums and occasional orthodontics appointments. Drum lessons is posing a huge challenge, as the instructor doesn't have many times available. I've exchanged now four emails with coordinator.

Let's not talk about the curveball my job threw me; asking me to change my work-from-home day. That blew the whole schedule and I've been redoing it ever since.

Then it's the new shoes to be bought -- since their feet are growing faster than I can keep up. Their hair was fried from the summer in the pool, so we got them into Great Clips for haircuts this weekend. Suddenly, they can brush their hair without crying.

Before and After Haircuts. They Got Lollis for Being Excellent Customers.
Not to mention a trip to a little place called Paris right as things get underway. Though, the timing is pretty good, as I'll be glad to get away from the calamity and play in Parisian parks and museums.

Please send help!


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