Queens of Masterpiece

Masterpiece Theater is killing it this month with queens, have you been watching? I don't watch much TV but lately I've looking for reasons (laundry, quilting, etc.) so I can binge.

First, there's Victoria, which is dramatization of Queen Victoria's life starting at her coronation at age 18. She's this lovable, headstrong teen and her advisors want her married ASAP. First, she gives her heart to an older man ... but then meets up with cousin Albert and BOOM it's all over. Albert is German and shy in a Mr. Darcy kind of way. Lots of interesting facial hair. Totally adorable. I've been swept away by their love story and the actors portraying them. (Before you ask, yes, the actress playing Victoria looks exactly like Christina Ricci!)

Then, if that wasn't enough British monarchy for you, they are also showing Secrets of Six Wives about Henry VIII and his doomed marriages. This is done almost like a movie -- with actors playing Henry and the wives -- but with a historian (a gal named Lucy) breaking in and narrating, i.e. annotations or cliff notes. I'm a sucker for Henry VIII stories, especially when they're done well. I'm pretty behind on these episodes, so am predicting lots of laundry will be folded this week.

I just have to start watching The Crown on Netflix and I'll have the English queen trifecta!

It's good to be a queen. 


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