London is the Best Because ...

This was my third trip to London and it's a brilliant place to spend a week. Here are a few reasons I love London...

- The Tube is incredibly efficient. I don't think we waited for more than two minutes for a train. If we just missed a train, there was always another one just behind it. New York, Paris, Chicago ... not even close to that good. And we bought tickets at a station with an agent who walked us through the Oyster card. Seriously, THE BEST experience.

- Food and garden is a THING here. There are garden and home shows on primetime TV. Jamie Oliver is a national treasure with his own magazine and chain of restaurants that stress proper eating. Good whole food is everywhere.

- All the national museums are free, big and easy to guide yourself through with a lot of signage. There's no "we have to stay longer to get our money's worth) stress, especially with the kids.

- There are bunches of distinct neighborhoods that are endlessly charming to walk through. I love the 7 Dials area because it was once a slum and now it's just pretty ... and because it's where the Orla Kiely shop is. Covent Garden, Mayfair, some areas of Marylebone, Kensington, Notting Hill ... just go go go!

- Two thousand years of history is a lot to take in, but it's fascinating to walk around. We spent a day in a bus tour and were fed to the brim with awesome stories. Londoners are proud of their history. And history is celebrated here. I'm also a bit of a royals nut, so there's that, too.

- This is a truly international city. Everywhere we went we heard different languages and accents. The two Italian restaurants we ate at were run by Italians. We had brunch at a French place. We stayed in a predominately Lebanese neighborhood. It's awesome and exciting.

For our next trip here (because we will be back), we're thinking about renting an airbnb so we can have a kitchen to make breakfasts and a bit more living space. Plus, it's always great to get that "hey, we live here" experience in a city you're familiar with.

Oh London, you have my heart.

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