My Top Influencers of 2017

What do you call people that you follow on Instagram or read their blogs but they're not really your friends or celebs or actors? They provide great ideas, inspiration and food for thought. And they feel like sorta-friends but they don't know you.

And it becomes kind of awkward when you talk about them in real life. For example, I'll watch Emily Henderson's instastory and Alice will ask "who's that?" from over my shoulder and I'll answer "oh that's Emily and her son Charlie." And she'll ask "do you know them?" and I don't. But kinda I do because I get snippets of her work and family and see inside her house and read about her lives daily. And not in a weird stalker way, she's creating this content on purpose. I mean, it's like reality TV but in teeny doses.

So the term in Influencers. That's what I'm told. They are Influencers because they have a lot of followers/fans and are experts in some field. And brands ask them to use or recommend their products because we the fans will become influenced by what they say and use. To continue the example ... if Emily uses it in her house and it looks awesome, well then I'm going to want it, too.

Forbes is publishing a list of Top 100 Influencers and so I thought I'd collect mine. (Mostly, I follow on Instagram, but I'll check their websites ... especially the chefs.)

Cooking Folks - Weelicious, Deliciously Ella, Jamie Oliver

The Paris Gals - Slice of Pai, Lost in Cheeseland, Clotilde from Chocolate and Zuchini

The Minnesota Gals - Faux Martha, Zoe Bakes, Sarah Kieffer

The HGTV Folks - Joanna Gaines (Chip, too), Erin from Home Town and Emily Henderson

I could write lots and lots about each of these people and what I like about what I find on their site and in their Instagram feeds. And I'm pretty sure I'm leaving a few folks out. But I'll leave it as is and let you take the recommendations as you will.

Who are your influencers? 

Related Posts
Forbes Influential People list
A 2013 list of the blog I read
Last year's list of cookbooks I loved


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