London Spring Break In a Few Pictures

A week in London isn't enough time. Maybe a month to see it all. We had a phenomenal week walking the neighborhoods, shopping and seeing the sights. I tried to lecture a little about the history but I didn't have many willing listeners. No matter, it was still a brilliant adventure with my favorite people.

First stop was Hoboken (we had a 6 hour layover in Newark). We saw our old apartment and ate at Tony Baloney's, a pizza shop owned by a family friend.

This Is Where We Used to Live! With Nieces and Brother-In-Law
Our first day in London was spent walking and fighting jet lag. Luckily, the Mae Deli was just around the corner, so we had an excellent first meal.

Then a walk across the Mayfair neighborhood to Liberty department store (paradise) and Carnaby Street.

The next day it was time to hit Tower of London ... and it was still open!! We spent hours on the well-marked self tour and loved oohing and ahhing over the crown jewels. Ooh!

Sunny Day at the Tower
Next day, we hit THE SLIDE aka ArcelorMittal Orbit (they really need to work on the name)! Ok, so Dave saw a segment about this new slide on TV or maybe on Facebook and we HAD to add it to the list. This slide is so new the Londoners we talked to had no idea it was even there. We all worked up the nerve to do it ... and it was exciting and totally fun. Also sliding that day was a 65-year-old man celebrating his birthday with a little thrill ride.

We earned a proper banana split sundae at Harrod's after conquering our fears, thankyou.

British Museum where we got smarter.

Shopping at Forbidden Planet in the Seven Dials neighborhood.

More to come ... 


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