Basement Cabinets FINALLY Get Color

Remember the basement cabinets from my basement project a few years ago? Here's an image when they were just installed to jog your memory:
They're IVAR cabinets from IKEA. Dave put them together and the contractor who finished our basement attached them to the wall with these cute little legs. I got caught trying to decide what color to paint them and just stained them an awful color ... that honestly made them look dirty. (WHY!?) Here's that post. Not sure why I called them "fabulous."

Anyway, quarantining has us spending lots of time in ALL the spaces in our house, including the basement and I thought an easy project would be to finally paint them.

Dave really wanted some light, not dark like the bathroom, and I just didn't want them to be white. I brainstormed a hundred different ways to paint them ... with designs and a few colors and so on but finally decided on a color from Magnolia Home.

 In this image, you can see the "dirty" stain. The few colors I was trying and the winner is the bluish-greyish semi-gloss in the middle.

Painting also gave me the excuse to clean out these cabinets that were holding on to little kid stuff that I really have no use for ... my girls are BIG! So several bags full of trash was hauled up and out.

And the final color:

basement cabinets
So pretty! Such a nice update to these cabinets. Now I'm just trying to decide if I need pulls. Comment below if you have any feelings either way. 


  1. HI! Even though I like the clean look of the cabinets without pulls, I think that they would stay cleaner if hands were touching the pulls. And since you asked, I like pulls rather than knobs. It's like adding some pretty jewelry.


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