Filling Up My Wanderlust

We miss three things the most in the pandemic world: travel, restaurants and seeing BIG movies in the movie theater. Otherwise, we're pretty content (on most day) with staying in and keeping our community safe. 

BUT the travel thing is a real big bummer. We love to travel as a family (obviously) and the WANDERLUST is a thing. 

We can order from our favorite restaurants for pickup. And we can watch movies at home, in the dark basement while eating popcorn and approximate a theater experience. But there's not much we can do to fake a trip to London. Or Hawaii. 

Then ... my older sister told me about her cool NordicTrack treadmill with iFit that uses videos of trainers in locations all over the world and you VIRTUALLY run along with them. The best part ... there's an app! So I don't have the fancy treadmill that will adjust to the trainer's speed (I have to automatically adjust the speed) BUT I can follow along on the video using the iFit app on my iPad.  

I've done runs in Florence, Paris, a small Tuscan town and Portugal. And done historic walking tours of London. I've also had yoga classes on a beach in Hawaii and Taiwan. It's. Is. So. Cool. 

After my workouts, I love telling my family WHERE I was this time. "I just did a run in Rome." They're bored with me but it's filling my need to see new places in a very small but happy way. 

What the app looks like. I've been using the "schedule" function to try and motivate me to get my daily workouts in. Having some place to "GO" is definitely motivating. 

If you're missing travel, too -- I highly recommend this. 


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