Basement Niche Project Underway

I don't like wasted space. If you're not new around here, that doesn't surprise you. When I think of areas of my house that are not living up to its true potential, it's a blaring red alarm in my brain. FIX ME FIX ME FIX ME

This weekend I started fixing the niche in my basement, which was one of those spots. Here's the BEFORE of that corner of the basement. 

It's our "media center" space, so you'll see the edge of our soft, comfy sofa. It's also the corner that has all the toy storage and toys the girls just couldn't part with. (Ugh) The actual niche is holding one of my mom's book cases, but, as you can see, there's so much unused space in there. 

My grand plan was to install a cabinet with built-in shelves above, but once I started to think about what I needed storage for, going with open shelves made more sense. As you can see, we need blanket and pillow storage, as well as some place to put away toys and books. 

Supplies for four open shelves was about $70 -- I sprung for primed pine. 

I quickly learned the walls in that niche are not perfectly straight -- the back opening is 34 1/4" while the front was 33 3/4". Discovering that made the cuts particularly challenging. Not to mention the flight of stairs and walk across the basement from the garage to drag the panels of MDF. Ugh, it was a workout!

But ... after a few hours, I got the bottom shelves installed and calked, ready for a light sand and paint. (If you squint, you can imagine the finished look.)  

Which, given the obstacles, I'm pretty proud of! 

Next, I will add less-deep shelves above for books, about where I have the purple sticky notes. But, I'm considering adding a third. Then, they'll get painted white and ... used! 

Along with all the power tools I got to use for this project and my small chainsaw I used in the backyard, it was a GOOD weekend. 

Yup, that clock needs batteries, too. 

(Oh, and I sorted all the toys and put like items together in labeled tubs of the toy chest. Another win!) 

Stay tuned as I continue this project through the week, after work. 


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