The Guest Room Refresh

Oh, our poor guest room. It's time to give this often-overlooked room some attention. 

Here's the thing ... this room is currently used as the "GIRL DEN" for art projects, youtube watching and "sister sleepovers." And we spruce it up a bit for when my Mom visits and it turns into a true guestroom.  

But it's a total disaster. The wall color is wrong. The curtains are all wrong (color and location). The closet is a cluttered mess. The furniture is just the rejects from all over the house. The girls do their best to make it a "cool hangout spot" but it's just a mess. 

Here's the REAL, unfiltered BEFORE picture: 

But I've got BIG PLANS. 

  • ACCENT WALL: Oh baby. It's going to be so sweet to create an accent wall on the far wall which is really what you focus on in the room. Shiplap is currently pricing out to be somewhat affordable. I also found a cool peel and stick real-wood option, but it was incredibly pricey. I'm hunting other ideas. 
  • HANGING LIGHT: I regret not installing an overhead light in this room when I had them installed in each of the girls' bedrooms. So, I'm going to find a wicker pendent I can hang from the ceiling near the corner with the window that will turn on with the light switch. 
  • PICTURE LEDGE: I love the idea of a picture ledge in a guest room so I can change up the books, add personalized pictures, and change up the assortment when I want. The girls will love it so they can show off their latest canvases, too. 
  • NEW WALL COLOR: Obviously. I used the same color we had in our living room in New Jersey and I thought it would be a home run, because we loved it in our previous house, but it was assuredly NOT a success. So, maybe a simple greige to compliment the white shiplap? 
  • HEADBOARD: Either the accent wall will serve as the headboard, or I'll have to buy/build one of my own, but the bed is in serious need of some structure. 
Read the 2015 post from when I last painted the guest room. 

The basement shelving is taking more time than I budgeted, so I'm hoping to get my ideas and plans together before I get started. 


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