Finishing Details on the Stairs

Work continues on the stairs and it's getting close. There are a lot of little details that need addressing, such as the molding, paint touch-ups, and the tile floor on the landings. And the spindles that are in two other areas of the upstairs are primed and ready for two layers of black paint. 

There are so many things I love about the stairs. And a few things that will take some time to get used to. But, there is one design decision I'm rethinking. The trim piece below the row of spindles are currently painted white.  ... Was this a mistake? Should they have been black?

That piece is black on my inspiration photo (from And the bottom of the spindles look a little messy, no matter how much I touch-up the paint. I could tape off that straight-line where the trim ends, and have a much cleaner finished look. 

Staircase by

Is it just too much white? Or do I need to get used this new look of the stairs? 

It's a call I'll make after the little-task punch-list is complete. 


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