Wearing All the Hats

In our normal days, I wear a lot of hats. Mom, worker, wife, dog mom, house caretaker, etc. And I usually get transition time to change my hat. 

I start work in the morning and I'm constantly interrupted by dogs, family members, the kitchen dishes (who mock me when they're piled up in the sink). My house projects, the laundry, my book, the beautiful weather, they all fight for my attention. And I barely had focus before this all started, but now that focus time is under a few minutes. 

When I'm working, I'm always keeping an eye on the dogs, the kids, the house. And no amount of hiding or wearing earphones or trying to concentrate on one thing ever works. I always get pulled away to something else. 

I'm a multi-tasker at heart, but it's exhausting to multitask as many things as I have been while everyone is home. I find places to disappear when I need to re-charge, but some days it's just too much. 

And there are only so many hats I can wear on any given day. I'm hardly exercising, I'm missing out on walking and being outdoors, gardening, organizing. And not being able to get those activities in my day is disappointing, specially the exercising one. I was pretty good at the beginning of all this, but lately, I just can't add another thing to juggle. 

I guess at some point I'll just need to lower my expectations. This isn't a normal time. And this isn't a normal "work from home" situation. And trying to be productive at ALL THE THINGS will eventually wear me out. Eventually. 

Until then, I better get back to work ... and do the dishes ... and move the laundry to the dryer ... and take the puppy outside. etc. 


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