I'm a SEVEN!

Have you heard about this Enneagram personality test? Ok, it's been around for years and years, so it's not a new thing at all but I've just been lately hearing it referred to in my favorite podcasts. "Oh, you're a 4 so that makes sense," they'll say. I had to figure out what the heck it was all about. 

I found a quick, free test here and my result was ... I'm a SEVEN. With a lot of 4, 9 and 5, apparently. 

While I'm pretty happy to be considered The Enthusiast, I think all-in-all it's pretty accurate. Though, according to this official-looking site, 7s are extroverts and I'm totally not. 

This short description pretty much sums me up. I'm generally versatile, I read a lot and I'm TOTALLY SCATTERED! It's incredibly accurate. 

The one word I think about a lot is "Spontaneous." I never really thought of myself as spontaneous, but once I started to really think about it, I might actually be. One of my weak points is I'm not a consistent, scheduled person. 

This was always challenging when I had young kids and they LOVE a constant schedule and I just couldn't bend myself to live on one for more than a few days. For example, the bedtime routine, I worked really hard to define the minimum tasks, and even created a visual schedule printed out for Leah to follow and I used as a cheat sheet. But I was always ready to chuck it at any rebellion or if we started too late, etc. 

Lately, I've been reflecting that it's probably because I follow organic rhythms in myself and if I don't feel like working out at night anymore, I just won't do it. So maybe that's how that "spontaneity" is showing up. 

Even though these tests are kinda questionable, like horoscopes, I still think there is a TON of value to get out of them. All that self reflection and learning more about yourself and how you tick makes you an all-around better, more stable person, on the outside.  

The end of this story is one of those podcast hosts I mentioned early is also a 7 ... so it's been funny to hear our similarities around certain issues and topics. "Yes, that's such a 7 response, Elsie." ;) 


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