How I'm Pre-Planning Our House

We're getting so exited about moving into our new house. Just a few days away! We're going to have soooo much to do once we get the keys and the moving trucks arrive. It will be madness -- so, we're taking this next week of relative quiet to get some decisions made.

Yup, we've had a lot experience with moving and being relocated. Our first cooperate move was 2000 from New York to California and we've been around the country, and to Paris and back, since. And given all these relocations, I've got a few steps that I generally follow. 

Step 1 is inspiration! As I've mentioned before, I've been on Pinterest for weeks and, once we got this house, created a New House board with the rest of my family to share ideas and inspiration. Looking at pretty pictures always helps direct me to the style and design I want to see in the house. 

Step 2 is to decide what needs to be done in the next 2 weeks and next 6 months. For me, it's hard to create a comprehensive phased list that I'll follow. It's too constricting and doesn't take into account what I'm in the mood to do or what's bugging me. But I DO try to create a checklist and think about what can wait until next year. Just to set expectations.

There's also an argument to be made for "living with something" for awhile before paying to replace it. Maybe just a facelift will do? So that needs to come into play on the list. 

I also start thinking about budget. What will the closet organizer cost? What will the garage floor cost? I did a lot of research on some solutions, including our new closet. 

Step 3 sourcing and filling carts. This is where we are currently. Now that I have an idea of what I want to do and how I want it to look, I start shopping. I don't click BUY but I do fill carts with items I know we'll need or want quickly. 

On that list is: pool floats, pool-side recliners, closet organizers, a few light fixtures, hooks, peel n' stick wallpaper, shelf paper, just to start. 

I'll add a few choices into my carts, too. Currently, I have a few sconce options in my Home Depot cart. This narrows down my selection process ... once I'm in the room with the measuring tape, I can look at the items I like the most, and make a quick decision.  

I also can see $$$ totals and make those decisions, as well. 

Then it's the final step .. 

Step 4 BUY and install. I want to hit BUY as soon as I feel confident, the earlier the better, because most of these items need to be shipped and that adds time. So within a few days of moving in, I want to start getting boxes. 

It won't feel like my home until I've removed ugly things and replaced it with something I Love.  

This house has great bones, but is stuck in the past. It needs a lot of cosmetic updates that I'm excited to make over the next years that we live there. I'll be able to decide quickly what bugs me the most, and that's what I'll replace first. 

So much excitement in the next few weeks. Hope I get a TON of photos so I can post all the befores and afters. Room progressions are so fun to look at. 

Fingers in the Crossed Position!


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