Basement Staircase Planning

Maybe the last place in our new house that is still outdated (and icky) is the basement staircase. Guys, it's pretty terrible. The carpet is ugly, musty and -- as I recently discovered pulling some pieces back -- has been housing an insect colony. Those crusty wormy things. I don't want to talk about it. 

Anyway, it's high time I get my act together and pull it all out! 

I'm starting here, with the top two stairs and landing, in my experience, the toughest area. Once I get this tricky part done, the long run to the basement will be easy-peasy.

First step (pun intended, har har) will be pulling off the offending carpet, sanding the cheap-o wood, adding extra trim pieces to the gaps and calking the whole thing.

As for design, my first through was to essential "dip" the entire staircase in a color, like this green inspiration photo. I also love the paneling on the wall, but am also considering wallpaper, to add a dash of drama to the tight staircase. 


But, for the dogs and teen safety, a runner is the best way to go. So I get something like this look ... 

I love the clean lines and the simple white and beige palette. I have been attached to a Dash & Albert rug since my last house and decided it's navy chevron pattern is just the start needed for this project, so I'm starting there. 

Navy runner. White shiplap. Navy walls. 

Time to get started!


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