My New Cabinet of Joy

The Original Spot
for Fabrics. A Mess
Although I'm not at all focused on decorating our office, I was DONE digging for fabric in the corner cabinet. It was a dark spot and my little collection had outgrown it.

So while searching for the dining room cabinet of my dreams -- that just doesn't exist, sigh -- I stumbled on this little yellow cabinet from Martha Stewart.

I have always aspired to have a place where my pretty (and growing) fabric collection could be stored and displayed. This cabinet just happened to the be the perfect dimension for this corner of the office and the glass doors can be closed up while the pretty fabrics can still be seen.

Sure, it's veneer and wobbles a little, but it's cute and I could probably cover the glass at some point with frosted contact paper or pretty decorative paper. Bonus!

Yellow Cabinet Filled With Crafts and Games
A place for all the lovely fabric, crafts and some games?! Oh be still my heart. I'm falling desperately in love with it already.

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