Coffee Table - My New Idea

I've been struggling with the idea of a coffee table for months now.

I need two coffee tables. One that is sturdy, medium-sized and can be slightly destroyed for the family room. We can put popcorn and drinks on, jump off of (though, not encouraged) it and can be tipped over when the Giants lose. And one for the living room that has two levels and that I can feature books on and put my feet up on when reading on those comfy sofas.

In both cases, I'd prefer something used and made of solid wood -- so I can paint, strip and/or restain it as needed in the future.

I've been haunting craigslist and a few thrift and antique stores in my neighborhoods and have continued to come up empty.

Lately, I've started to go through catalogs and tried to put my desire to buy used aside just to find the perfect solution. But it's mostly veneers -- unless I want to pay a small fortune. Veneers just don't last.

Another concept I'm playing with in home decorating is reusablilty. Someday, inevitably, we'll move again or I'll want to reorganize what I already have. Can I repurpose it as something else?

So here's what I came up with: For the living room, what if I got two of these urban-industrial-YELLOW stools, pushed them together and called them a coffee table. I give up on my two-levels need, but I get the cute, original, repurposed part that I like.

Yellow and Adorable from CB2!
  I may get just one, to see how it will work. I'll report back.


  1. Update: I loved these benches, but they just didn't work.


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