Hello Stranger

My First Latte in Ten or So Years
I've been thinking a lot lately about caffeine.

Why? Because I've been avoiding all caffeine (other than chocolate, obviously) for the last 15ish years. It doesn't go well with my stomach issues -- and I'm over-sensitive to it, gives me major jitters.

Also, I'm not so much a fan of being addicted to a food (except chocolate, obviously) and I've met friends who "come off of coffee" with different results. Not for me.

But recently, I've been feeling a lot less productive. There's so much I want to accomplish in a day -- at work and at home -- and I'm not crossing enough off my list to feel satisfied. I lose steam. My mind wanders. My eyelids droop in 2:30 meetings.

... What was I saying? *yawn*

Dave says I should be exercising more to increase my energy level -- which is an altogether different post. But I only see that solution as another ADDITION to a to-do list that is already out of control.

I've read a few studies that have come out lately saying caffeine in moderation isn't so bad. It actually helps to stimulate the mind and body. Jillian Micheals even says so! And she know everything!

It all comes down intake. A large coffee with syrup, cream and sugar isn't the best vehicle, obviously. Soda? Yuck, as if! She says green tea or eBoost, her new favorite thing.

This morning, I was stuck in traffic and feeling drowsy from the rain, so I swung by the local Starbucks and ordered a latte with low-fat milk. (I haven't developed a taste for green tea -- yet.) Yes, not the best vehicle for caffeine but tasty and I was mostly looking to test my caffeine response. Here goes!

Related posts:
More of my Coffee journey


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