'Anne of Avonlea' Audiobook Review

Audiobook: Anne of Avonlea by Lucy Maude Montgomery
Read by: Shelly Frasier
Genre: Classic

I think it is (or should be) universally acknowledged that if you're feeling stressed or that the world is spinning too fast and you've grown so out of touch with patience or goodness -- the best solution is Anne Shirley.

I completely believe in her powers to heal. So it's after an especially hectic week with out-of-control kids and clients that I picked up this audiobook from the library.

And in the end of it, I felt more centered and at ease -- and yearning for the time when we walked to school through the woods and had tea with neighbors.

This is the second book in the Anne series. It centers around the two years she teaches at the Avonlea school. As usual, she gets into jams, scrapes and meets kindred spirits. She's a founding member of the Avonlea improvement society, which is a popular trend among the young folk. And she helps out when Marilla adopts twin 6-year-olds.

There's not much more I can or need to say about this one. If you're a fan, you know what I mean. Just the vacation feeling of going up to Prince Edward Island for a few days, experiencing the rambles and gardens. Hearing the latest gossip from Mrs. Lind. It's like a spa day in book form.

Grade: Green Light


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