Quote That Was Killing Me - Emma Edition

Every once in a while I get a quote so lodged up in my brain that it haunts me.

I hear it over and over again, in the speakers voice, and I wrack my brain trying to come up with the name of the movie it comes from.

The latest quotes was "...keen to be near you.." -- said in a low, melancholy British man. Of course, I assume Austen, but can't come up with the movie.

I did more searching tonight and found the source of the quote. Hooray hooray!

It is Austen. Well, movie Austen. From "Emma," the version with Gwyneth Paltrow. It's said by Mr. Knightly played by yummy Jeremy Northam. (Knightly being one of my fave Austen men, though the age difference grosses me out a little.)

Watch the quote here from YouTube.

And from the script:
Mr. Knightley, during the proposal scene: "So, I rode home anxious for your feelings, keen to be near you. I rode through the rain and I would ride through worse than that if I could just hear your voice telling me that I might at least have...some chance to win you."

Keen to Be Kissing You, Too!
In case you're interested, Austen doesn't use the word "keen" in this scene. I doubt she ever used that word at all.
Knightly's proposal scene from the book: "I cannot make speeches, Emma:" -- he soon resumed; and in a tone of such sincere, decided, intelligible tenderness as was tolerably convincing. -- "If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more. But you know that I am.... But you understand me. -- Yes, you see, you understand my feelings -- and will return them if you can. At present, I ask only to hear, once to hear your voice." 
There's no more dialogue after that. *Long sigh.*

The quote is purged.

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