Day 3: Portland

This place is so much different than any place I've visited. I mean , it's not Mars or anything, but think Brooklyn on steroids. And you're in the ballpark.

Our friends Joe and Rachel live in the city but just outside of downtown. Picture a large outer-city of small Craftsman and Victorian houses built around the turn of the century. With main streets running nearby filled with independently-owned shops and restaurants. The only chains we saw was a Whole Goods and Starbucks. That's it. People walking everywhere. Creativity abounds. The small yards brimming with flowers and veggie gardens. It was amazing. And the bartering system -- crazy. Joe traded beer he brewed for plumbing services for the house they renovated this summer.

I won't dwell. It's definitely worth a visit. Especially if you have locals who can take you around. 

We basically walked around a few of these Main Street areas, hitting a fantastic fabric store and street festival. Joe and Rachel's son Atticus was hilarious. We all got along swimmingly. 

Balloon Butterfly

Balloon Sword

Our Last Night Dinner

Joe's Beer Cart
Lastly, Portland is known for these food lots -- basically empty lots where food carts have spring up, each specialized with a small menu. Families walk through choosing from the different carts and either walk home or eat at the picnic table area on the lot. Joe owns two carts as a side business selling home-brewed beer and a variety of grilled cheese sandwiches. It's a pretty cool concept. 


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