Obsessed with Scribbling

Pretty Scribbles
Guys! I found something new to do with my iPad and it's ooh so fun.

So, first you have to pick up one of those pens that allows you to write on your tablet (I got one for free at the conference in Atlanta -- swag). Then, you get the Penultimate app. It's free.

Then, you write notes, draw hearts and scribble to your hearts content. I put Trader Joe shopping lists and weekend To Do lists in my iPad now. No paper for this modern girl.

And you can access the notes from any other device you have the app on. So I write the note in my iPad and check it on my iPhone. Cool.

You can also take pictures .. and then scribble over the pictures. Good for my decorating ideas and furniture layout brainstorming.

That. Is. So. Cool.

Plans for the Powder Room

Ideas for the Master Bathroom


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