Done! Powder Room Makeover

BEFORE: Two Colors
Another weekend another paint project. This time, in my powder room.

If you remember, I painted the little powder room on the main floor of my house in two colors with a piece of white trim planned in between.

The trim never got done and I started to regret the blue color on the bottom. It was coming off a little too country-ish. And dark. It's a little space.

So, I went through a few chips of color and decided to stay in the blue/green family -- but find something brighter. (Not red, though, it was a fun idea for a few days.)

I don't like painting bathrooms, so it took some time to psych myself up for this one. You have to be a bit of a contortionist to reach under the toilet and sink. Ugh.

And originally, I was going to leave the top color, but decided against it once I got this fantastic, dynamite color on the wall. I just love it.

The color is called Hotel Du La Plage by Ralph Lauren. Leah helped paint around the toilet and a little around the sink and I precariously hung from the ladder to reach the ceiling. But it was worth it.

AFTER: One Color, Lovely!
Next, I have to paint that awful trim a bright white! And I'd like to finish the white trim I had originally envisioned for the room. Then, it will be all about accessorizing. 


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