My High School Reunion Weekend

So, my 20th high school reunion was this weekend in Minnesota and I really really wanted to go. But, I didn't. Bummer.

First, here are two things you need to know about me and high school: 1) I haven't been friends with anyone from high school since about 6 months after graduation (why is another story). 2) Therefore, other than superficial social media contact (facebook!), I haven't talked to anyone I graduated with in those 20 years.

So, it shouldn't surprise anyone that when I messaged some of the girls I used to know from high school on Facebook, they weren't going. And couldn't be convinced otherwise. So fine.

And I wasn't about to lone-wolf the reunion. No way. Crazy.

On the plus side, I took my family on the roadtrip to Minnesota anyway. I got together with one friend from high school and met her family -- this was awesome. And saw some family who still live there. All in all, a pretty awesome weekend.

And I did notice some Facebook updates from the reunion. So, that's pretty fun.


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