List Lovers Unite!

My List App Profile Page
I have always love lists.

Why? Here are four reasons:

1. Because they organize my thoughts.
2. I can check or cross things off as I get them done.
3. Crossing things off is a motivator.
4. They're generally pretty fun.

So, I'm pretty excited to find this new app called The List App. There's a bunch of funny people contributing lists on everything from hard news to stuff their mom says. It's all pretty creative.

And geez, I needed YET another thing on my phone to distract me from my real life.

For example, here are the last few lists I favorited recently:

  • "Everyday things that are great in Paris" by Ina Gartner
  • "Facts that sound too good to be true." by Mental Floss (that magazine with crazy facts in it)
  • "Long-haul flight must-haves, must-wear, must-dos, AKA: Travel hacks" by a pilot's daughter who travels all the time.
  • "TV & Movies with Perd Hapley as a newscaster"
  • "10 Things Causing Climate Change" by CNN
I just joined, so I'm still getting a look around. 


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