My Winter Goals

Alert! Alert! We're entering a transition month. Soccer and fall activities are ending. The days are shorter and colder. Winter coats are out, along with winter boots and all the hats/mittens/scarves I can find.

And with all this change come a chance for me to gather goals for the winter months.

- Wake up earlier. Leah is currently pulling me out of bed in the morning, being dressed and starving. It would help her out if I was actually getting out of bed myself.

- Evening working outs. I did this once and now I'm not on the soccer field (being semi-active) three times a week, I need to find a weekly class or something to increase activity levels ... at a time of the year when I really just want to start hibernating.

- Train the girls to do more stuff for themselves. Like picking up their after-school-snack wrappers. This should be subtitled, "I continue to nag my children" as that's what it feels like.

- Back to weekly menu planning. Only one night a week is spoken for, so the rest I can prepare low-calorie, delicious dinners I've prepped and prepared for in advance. Again, something I've done before.

I do love a list of goals.


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