Newest Cookbooks - Round Up

Thanks to some gift certificates for my birthday I was able to increase my growing cookbook library. This time, I've picked up some food blogger books and Gwyneth's latest.

If ever I'm in need of a mini-vacation to the French countryside Mimi Thorisson and her Manger blog provide it. Her large (and growing) family, ancient home and thoughtful posts take me away. Her husband's textured images provide all I need to dive in to taste the food, feel the breeze and walk through her kitchen. This book has been on my wish list for months and I finally broke down. This is more of a good read than a recipe book, as I'm not sure I am adventurous enough to attempt the French dishes. Maybe.

And speaking of French cooking, I got Clotilde's book from Chocolate & Zucchini food blog. She's in Paris and her recipes are all about simple dishes from The French Market. Lots of yummy-looking veggies.

Deb Perelman is a food blogger from Brooklyn and the dishes she creates in her tiny brownstone kitchen is amazing and inspiring. If she can do all that in a galley kitchen, I'm sure I can in my large-by-comparison suburban space. Where she wins is the access to all the fresh food and ethnic markets in a 5 block radius. I can only dream.... Her bog is informal and entertaining -- she's clearly a gal with a lot of energy and passion for good food.

Last, I read way too much about the new Gwyneth Paltrow cookbook to not get it. I have the last one and really liked some of the quick ideas in there. Though some of the ingredients are a little out there (as the critics like to point out), there are some simple dishes that I'm itching to try. Plus, the photography, many of her kids out in the yard, make me long for a summer in Long Island.

Currently sitting on my wish list is the Love and Lemons blogger's first book, the Bon Appetit's Food Cleanse book and Giada's Happy Cooking cookbook. But they'll wait until I have more time with my newest.

My collection grows ...

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