Looking Ahead to the Summer

This summer is going to be bananas!

I've been working through calendars and laying out plans for our summer months and it's starting to scare me.

Let's review what's on the way:
  • Dave has a week-long conference downtown and a European trip -- back to back. That's two weeks of single-parenting!
  • I have a work conference for four days in Denver 
  • A week later, we're flying out for a week-long camp on the east coast
  • The day after we get back, Dave and I are getting a couples weekend in Las Vegas 
  • A week later my in-laws are visiting, with possibly my sister-in-law and her family
  • And my sister and her adorable daughters may also be coming for a visit around that same time. 
  • Not to mention the mix of day camps I scheduled for the kids. Some weeks they'll be in our town, others they'll be near my office. 
All wonderful, exciting events I am looking forward to, but it will make our summer -- our short, wonderful summer -- just fly by.

Keeping Cool
School is out in one month!!! Get ready!

Related posts:
All the "summer" posts


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