Getting Excited for London! Time to Pack

Well, we're down to the last few days before Spring Break in London and, as you might have guessed, I'm deep into my packing routine.

A packing routine?

Don't scoff, it's something I've been perfecting for years. I've got it down to Three Phases of Packing. In a nutshell they are: 1) Research, what will we be doing? 2) Gathering and Shopping, what do we have and need? 3) Stacking, Sorting and Editing, what will actually fit/go into suitcases?

I'm just finishing up Phase 2 and moving to Phase 3 by Friday. I may need a quick trip to Hanna Anderson for some leggings for Alice. She wears all her cheap leggings out at the knees. Also, I think she hit another growth spurt.

Anyway, I've been noticing posts like these on Pinterest and I'm really digging them. An image that incapsulates what's in my suitcase?? YES! I have to try this.

Right: LiveLoveSara | Left: Putting Me Together
So these are my inspiration. My photo coming soon!

Related Posts:
Here's the post about packing for our Paris trip.


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