A New Place for the Leah's Bed

Here's an update on Leah's bedroom. In this post, I was trying to figure out where to put the bed once Leah moves out of Alice's room. They'd been roommates since September (see this post) but now the almost-11-year-old wants to be in her own room again.

The room is oddly laid out, and Leah requested the bed doesn't take up the middle of the room. So the solution we came up with is pushing it up against the built-in desk. 

It's not perfect but it's kind of neat to sit in bed and work on art projects or on her school-issues Chrome book on the desk. And she's created a hiding place under the desk, too. 

AFTER: Leah's Bedroom 
Well, at least that's where it will stay for the time. We're always moving things around in this house. 

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