Apartment Hunting, Packing and School Newsletters - Paris Friday Update

The Apartment - It's Happening! 
Have you ever seen House Hunters on HGTV? (Of course you have!) So picture the couple separated by a few thousand miles. The one actually looking at the apartments sending updates via text while the other one is in PJs on her laptop is taking notes and looking at apartment listings online. That's basically how we're apartment shopping today. So, not ideal.

But I do feel like the person in the spy movies who is furiously typing and watching surveillance feeds in the city while yelling into the earpiece of the spy "get out of there!" or "what do you see?" and "how big is the bathroom! We need two toilets, at least!"

Fingers crossed we find the place today.

The Business of Packing
Now that we don't have any parties or social events planned for the house, it's time to get down to the process of pulling rooms apart and deciding what goes and what stays. How? By making piles.

The game is to make a big mess and sort the items into piles: trash/donate, keep, pack for Paris. Then move them out accordingly.

I'm also being very focused on organizing and packing "like items" together. So I have a box of office supplies and one for household tools (hammers, screwdrivers, etc.). I'm letting my inner organizer really shine ... with tidy, labeled bins. It's kind of amazing.

But I've got only 13 days for this exercise, so the clock is a-ticking.

The Good School News
Now that's we're officially accepted and on the roster for next semester at our new school (yahoo!), I'm starting to get communications ... like newsletters and the parent Facebook group. And, guys, I'm so excited! Not only are the students doing cool and fun things, according to these newsletters, but the parents are getting together for pilates, walking tours and French lessons. Did I read something about a book club?!

I always suspected there was an expat community out there, but it's a relief to see evidence of it and be "this close" to getting involved. It might take a while for me to jump in, as I get the family settled and all, but I'm incredibly pleased to see some of the activities I could eventually get involved in.

Have a great weekend!

Related posts: 
The Paris Move
Past Paris Friday Updates


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